How Do YourChildren Fare WhenYou’re Not Around?
Think about how toddlers and school-age children fare when you’re not around all day to provide them with guidance. Are they safe and being given the proper attention and caring that they need? We understand your ardent desire to work hard to be able to secure a brighter future for them, but there are other things to also consider.
We feel it is essential that parents provide their children tools for school readiness, safety and security. Mary Mcleod Bethune Early Child Development Nursery, Inc. continually provides services that address these and other parenting skills.

Care and Attention
Monitoring the activities and well-being of your young ones can be challenging for busy, working parents. Bethune offers care services that allow you to confidently go about your business with the assurance that your children are in good hands.

After-School Care

Pre-K Readiness

Summer Camp

Infant-Toddler Program

Shelter Funding Program

Your little ones successfully develop a sense of independence and responsibility through programs that also use real-life situations as sources of valuable learning experiences. These programs also enhance academic preparedness among toddlers set to have formal schooling soon.
Aside from our regular programs, we also take your kids on field trips and offer tennis, dance, music appreciation, and swimming classes.